So, I know that all of my blogs are about Holden, but he is just full of good material! Yes, Holden has once again become a problem child. I thought his poor sleeping was a struggle, but this one takes the cake....(mmmmmmmmm...cake).
Holden has, how shall I put this, "anger management" issues. He has a serious temper. It used to be kinda funny, because he was so tiny to be so angry. It is officially not funny. He has started banging his head on things over and over and over, when he is angry. Not just when he is angry. When he doesn't get his way. And it isn't soft banging, it is like someone is holding the back of his hair and banging his head for him. I don't know how he does it so hard!
A girl I work with looked it up, and told me not to worry to much. It isn't that out of the ordinary, and he is too small to do very much damage. Apparently it is soothing for him. I am supposed to ignore him. Or distract him BEFORE he starts. This is ridiculously impossible. There is no way I believe he can't do damage! He has a giant bruise and broken capilaries all over his fore head! It is soooooooo sad!
I put him on my bed once, so he could have at it, but it was too soft. This really made him angry and he searched for something harder to hit his head on.
Okay, so I get that I was REALLY crazy once. Is this my punishment for what I put my mother through!? Cuz at least I was a teenager. He is too young to be this CRAZY!
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know, cuz I am all out of them.
Holden has, how shall I put this, "anger management" issues. He has a serious temper. It used to be kinda funny, because he was so tiny to be so angry. It is officially not funny. He has started banging his head on things over and over and over, when he is angry. Not just when he is angry. When he doesn't get his way. And it isn't soft banging, it is like someone is holding the back of his hair and banging his head for him. I don't know how he does it so hard!
A girl I work with looked it up, and told me not to worry to much. It isn't that out of the ordinary, and he is too small to do very much damage. Apparently it is soothing for him. I am supposed to ignore him. Or distract him BEFORE he starts. This is ridiculously impossible. There is no way I believe he can't do damage! He has a giant bruise and broken capilaries all over his fore head! It is soooooooo sad!
I put him on my bed once, so he could have at it, but it was too soft. This really made him angry and he searched for something harder to hit his head on.
Okay, so I get that I was REALLY crazy once. Is this my punishment for what I put my mother through!? Cuz at least I was a teenager. He is too young to be this CRAZY!
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know, cuz I am all out of them.